
Marije van Marle (1991) is an artist from Amsterdam who works with steel, wood, and other sourced or found materials to create objects. These forms may have a deconstructed function, or sometimes found objects are taken from their context and reassembled to give them new meaning. Most of the time, her sculptures are non-moving, friendly creatures from other worlds, seemingly coming to life.


by Marije van Marle, 2023
Assemblage, wooden found objects, hair
Silk gloss black painted finish
Developed in collaboration with ANTS.

Why adhere to beauty standards like puppets on a string? These hanging figures are beings with their own presence. Dress boys without gender for our protective shells. Unlike us, they can mix & match limbs – attach, detach, adapt, adjust. But whatever form – it is character that shapes the garments.

The Antities at ANTS.' showroom 1
ANTS. creation of the Antities 3
ANTS. creation of the Antities 2
ANTS. creation of the Antities 1
The Antities at ANTS.' showroom 2


by Marije van Marle, 2020
Sculpture, steel, welding, matte black painted finish
Developed in collaboration with ANTS.
With special thanks to Ron van Marle

How to escape the contraption of life? Alienated from true nature with insatiable appetites. What does it take to carry the weight of tomorrow? Challenging times and quickly changing environment ask for fitness and flexibility in order to survive. Morphing into a slowly crafted otherworldly creature. Triangular shapes as the base for support, strength and balance, taking you into the multi-dimensional.

The Antstallation with collection pieces in the ANTS.' showroom 2
ANTS. creation of the Antstallation 0
ANTS. creation of the Antstallation 5
ANTS. creation of the Antstallation 4
ANTS. creation of the Antstallation 2
ANTS. creation of the Antstallation 3
The Antstallation in ANTS.' showroom 2

by Alex Avgud